List all combinations of population, periods, and
geographic layers available for a given topic. To
search for individual topics use ha_topics()
# \donttest{
ha_coverage("POP", progress = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 1,987 × 7
#> topic_key population_key population_name population_grouping period_key
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 POP H Hispanic or Latino Race/Ethnicity 2012-2016
#> 2 POP WY Non-Hispanic White, … Race/Ethnicity and… 2018-2022
#> 3 POP HS Hispanic or Latino, … Race/Ethnicity and… 2015-2019
#> 4 POP PM Native American, Mal… Race/Ethnicity and… 2016-2020
#> 5 POP BM Non-Hispanic Black, … Race/Ethnicity and… 2019-2023
#> 6 POP FO Females, Middle-Aged… Sex and Age 2014-2018
#> 7 POP A Asian Race/Ethnicity 2019-2023
#> 8 POP H Hispanic or Latino Race/Ethnicity 2013-2017
#> 9 POP HF Hispanic or Latino, … Race/Ethnicity and… 2016-2020
#> 10 POP B Non-Hispanic Black Race/Ethnicity 2019-2023
#> # ℹ 1,977 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: layer_key <chr>, layer_name <chr>
# }